Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Some basic guidelines

OK, so I may be a newbie at food in Hue, but I'm committed. I'm here in Hue for 6 months as a volunteer. Hopefully I'll have something to say for myself by the end of my stay, but for the time being, I can say that I'm doing a damn good job at eating. I'm still learning, but I've got enough under my belt that I've decided to share it.

Just so we're on the same page, some basic guidelines I try and follow when engaging in an eating adventure in Hue.

1. If your legs fit under the table, you're probably paying too much for lower quality food. Get comfortable on tiny plastic stools sized for 5 year olds.

2. You're usually better off at an eatery where nobody speaks or understands English. Menu's with English translations are only trustworthy if the English is entirely incomprehensible and includes translations such as "rice packing" or "floatng beotang".

3. It is imperative that you like rice and fish sauce. If you don't now, you will lean to.

4. Always try and figure out the price beforehand. If not, watch the locals pay, and see how much. If you're still unsure, estimate and then pay a little less. Its best to underpay and have them ask you for more... if you overpay you'll probably just not get any change back.

5. If other people at the eatery are staring at you and/or laughing at you, you've chosen a good local spot.

6. What doesn't kill you makes your gut stronger.

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